Ukulele: Volume 1 (FREE 3 PIECES SAMPLE PACK)
0.00 $USD
Teaching ukulele at elementary level?
Here are 12 original pieces with epic and engaging backing tracks to introduce ukulele basics to your students. From open strings melodies to 4 chords progressions, notions are progressively introduced to help students learn one step at a time. Plus, they will discover multiple musical genres such as funk, swing, flamenco and samba while traveling through the continent of Worcester (story included in the book).
FREE SAMPLE PACK (Quick download)
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Included in this pack:
- 3 mp3 files : exercices WITH ukulele sound
- 3 mp3 files : exercices WITHOUT ukulele sound
- 1 pdf file : sheet music with tabs AND treble clef notation
The following pieces are included in this pack:
- 01 The Journey Begins
- 04 Attack of the Orcs
- 08 The Oasis
Your students will learn:*
- Open string melodies
- Basic chords (introduced progressively throughout the book)
- Chromatic melodies on 1, 2 and 3 strings
- Diatonic melodies on 1, 2 and 3 strings
- The C scale
- Staccato articulation
- Swing articulation
- The duet
- Basic accompaniment rhythms on right hand
*This sample pack does not include all of these notions
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- 01 The Journey Begins Doctor Musik 0:57
- 02 Pineapple Doctor Musik 0:55
- 03 The Legend of Worcester Doctor Musik 1:18
- 04 Attack of the Orcs Doctor Musik 0:53
- 05 The Wooden Leg Doctor Musik 0:57
- 06 Double Oreo 7 Doctor Musik 0:41
- 07 Dunes of Tipiac Doctor Musik 0:46
- 08 The Oasis Doctor Musik 0:41
- 09 Lemonade Doctor Musik 0:40
- 10 Samba dos Frangos Doctor Musik 0:42
- 11 The Chord Machine Doctor Musik 0:33
- 12 The Tomcat of Saint-Germain Doctor Musik 0:54